Thursday, June 9, 2016

White Privilege

The news about the rapist Brock Turner, a swimmer and student at Stanford University has recently gone viral. Rather than taking responsibility of his terrible actions, he blames it on "party culture," "alcohol," and "influences from his swim team." In addition, according to an article from USA Today, the Santa Clara County jail list that his release date is HALF his already insufficient jail to three months. The article also says that the assaulter "consented to sex," which is obviously a lie due to her being unconscious. He should have faced over ten years in prison for the charges as the consequence for assault and penetration with intention to rape an intoxicated or unconscious person. Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky reduced the sentence from six years to six months due to being behind bars for that long would have "a severe impact" on Turner. This is no valid reason and does not do justice. 

It is also enraging how his picture in these articles is not even his actual mugshot. In any other articled picture of a colored man or woman, their mugshot is clearly pictured. The same goes for jail time. A white, young male is only given not even over a decade, not even six months, but a mere three months in jail as a consequence for his crippling actions, and for a minority, such as Bernard Noble, the mere (as well as harmless) action of having possession of marijuana (two joints) would be 13 years in prison.

I think this article is worth reading because it reveals clearly how white privilege is projected, even through the judges working for the government. I am glad that the majority of the world is as enraged as I am, and hope that this brings awareness to preventing and eliminating rape culture due to the effects. I still believe that there should be more severe consequences because of this.It truly brings me to tears knowing that things are still like this and that an innocent girl is now scarred and has to suffer through extreme emotional pain, while a rapist goes through extremely minimal consequences. 

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